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      Wood Carving:  A Dying Art?

       My views and opinion   ||  NISSA COLLADO

"If we are to preserve culture we must continue to create it."

      Through the years when wood carving has been banned due to the use of woods, there were no means for the art to be taught to youngers. Unlike before when wood carving has a good flow and still part of tribes’ everyday activities, most of them gave way for their child to learn the process of wood carving.


      Most of the wood carvers now are already old. Since, the art is not that being taught to the generation nowadays, we now have more old woodcarvers than the younger ones. And because for some, it would be better if their children or young generations nowadays will just focus on their studies and not doing the said kind of art. Some may also have this way of thinking maybe because they were driven by their experiences as woodcarvers wherein nowadays, they are not being recognized as artists unlike before when woodcarving was still gaining attention by individuals, not just foreigners but also the locals.


      As a local, why not see the beauty behind the mountains? Let us see how interesting wood carving art is. Let us recognize the ingenuity of our wood carvers. Now that there are laws implemented for the preservation of this kind of art and as part of ones’ culture, why not take the opportunity to patronize it more? I think it is not too late to rekindle the art of wood carving. We the younger generations should uplift and preserve what we have because this is what we are known for, it is part of our identity, why are we not giving attention to it? Is it not that interesting if we are knowledgeable on what we have? Imagine, trying to put your idea into a wood carving art. Isn’t it fascinating to look at? If we patronize more what we have, for sure, more tourists will also patronize it. And we know that woodcarving is a source of livelihood for Ifugaos, it is already a help not just for our economy but also for them if we will be interested on what they are best at. Usage of wood as a problem? Corporate Social Responsibility is one of many solutions. As defined by Investopedia, it is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable—to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, also called corporate citizenship, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental. Simply, it is giving back what we took from our environment. One example of this is a Tree Planting of the paper companies.


      And I, as a local, at first, I am not that interested in wood carving. But then, when I see the works of our wood carvers, it gives me an excitement to know them and try what they are doing. Wood carvers and their ingenuity, together with their works are the beauties behind the pines and mountains. And they are even more beautiful with us.



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